about me & my subs

| about me |

hellooo!! my name is essie. i wont go into too much about myself for privacy reasons. im a new sub maker, although ive been making personal subs and uploading them to a personal youtube account for a long, long time. ive personally gotten so many results from subs, which is why i decided to make subs for you guys! im a very small sub maker right now, but i hope to grow, and as i grow i hope to help people achieve their dreams through subs! ive gotten life results, beauty results, item results, height results, and even more! i have made a famous youtuber sub in the past, but i myself do not use it, because being a huge youtuber is not on my priority list. subliminals DO work, and i am living proof of that. i hope you join me on this adventure of a perfect life!

| about my subs|

i decided to start posting on youtube because of how much my personal subs helped me more than when i listened to other peoples subs on youtube. my subs are not sped up at all, but if you want you could always speed it up! most of my subs are layered twice, other than subs with the hiraeth formula which is layered 6 times. bundling is fine as well. i make my subs so you can hear the whispering that are the affs. this makes it so that your subconscious mind can make out the affirmations and that it absorbs them. make sure you CAN NOT understand what the affs are when you are listening to it as a subliminal, as that would be like basically listening to affirmations and it wouldnt be a subliminal. but...feel free to turn the volume up and listen to them if you want to know what the affs are!! my affirmations are extremely detailed and in the description you will find what the formula of the sub is. on subs with the hiraeth formula; I DO recommend using headphones, as the panning of the affirmations will be received better, but it is not required. my subliminals are 100% safe and effective. please feel free to dm me on instagram your results. i love to see them!! :) I ALSO TAKE SUGGESTIONS!!! DM me your suggestions or leave them in my yt comment section!!! <33